47. Great Theologians. Episode 4 – Martin Luther

“Great Theologians in the Christian Tradition” was a series of six lectures delivered by R. Kendall Soulen, Ph.D. at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. from January 22 to February 26, 2002. Martin Luther (1483-1546) is the focus of lecture four.  The Reformation is considered to have started with the publication of Luther’s Ninety-five Theses in 1517. Known for his uncompromising views, Luther said, “Peace if possible. Truth at all costs.” https://soulenandsoulen.com/


46. Temptation

In the fullest sense, it is impossible to be human without temptation. For temptation is simply the natural result of thinking about options and choices. If we could live life without having to make choices… then of course there would be nothing like temptation. But we do make choices every day and those choices define the very core of our identify. Who do you want to be? https://soulenandsoulen.com/


45. Great Theologians. Episode 3 – Saint Thomas Aquinas.

“Great Theologians in the Christian Tradition” was a series of six lectures delivered by R. Kendall Soulen, Ph.D. at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. from January 22 to February 26, 2002. Saint Thomas Aquinas (1224-74) is the focus of lecture three. Young Thomas was a quiet man and was nicknamed “The Dumb Ox” by his fellow classmates. Of course, he would become one of the Catholic Church’s greatest theologians and philosophers. https://soulenandsoulen.com/


43. Richard’s Prayer

Richard of Chichester (1197 – 1253), also known as Richard de Wych, was Bishop of Chichester in England. He is a saint and was canonized in 1262. While the name “Richard of Chichester” may not be familiar, you are likely to know the words of a prayer that he authored. They were made famous by the musical Godspell in the song, Day by Day. http://soulenandsoulen.com
