18. A Christian Defense of Same Sex Marriage

On May 8, 2019, Dunwoody UMC hosted a panel discussion on human sexuality, followed by questions and answers. Professors from Emory’s Candler School of Theology, Rev. Dr. Kendall Soulen and Rev. Dr. Kevin Watson, led the discussion offering opposing perspectives of Biblical interpretation and marriage within Christian communities.  The following podcast is Dr. Kendall Soulen’s portion of the evening.  A video of the entire evening including questions and answers can be found at Soulenandsoulen.com in the Videos tab. 

5. The Defining Jesus Series: The Earthly, the Biblical, the Historical, and the Real Jesus, and How Not to Confuse Them

The introductory episode of the Defining Jesus Series: What do you mean when you say “Jesus”? Who, exactly, are you referring to? The Defining Jesus series is about the semantic content of the name Jesus and how it is used (and misused) in biblical studies, the church, and the popular press.